Monday, October 29, 2012

Thematic Map

This map seemed like a good representation of a Thematic Map. It was hard to find a map on Google that hadn't already been taken by someone else's blog but when i found this one I thought it was cool enough to use. This map shows the United States of America and the drought spots throughout the county in red. Thematic maps are good to display information like this another good use is a map of population and anythings that is distributed throughout an area.

Topographic Map of Mars

Considering all the talk in the news lately about mars I decided for my topographic Map I would do one of Mars. If you're unfamiliar with whats been going on about mars we have recently landed a rover o it's surface and much talk about colonizing mars has been in the media. This is a good display of topography because you can see the contours that are on the planet mars some of its largest features like its enormous volcano; Olympus Mons.

Although this map is harder to see I thought it was an interesting planimetric Map because I found it in florida states index. After looking it over for a few minutes its hard to make out the names and I cant really tell exactly which part of campus it is. This is a good description of a planimetric map because it doesnt convey land contour only the horizontal/vertical lines.

Mental Maps

The type of map that I chosen to discuss this time in a picture I found off of google of someone's attempt of a mental map. I though this was a good choice for my description of a mental map because I remember back when I was younger trying to draw maps of my neighborhood based soley on memory of the area. Mental maps are good for basic streets and houses like this one here but would be hard for most people to make mental maps of very complex areas like cities or large scale items.